Facebook - O momento Placebo

quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

No more

Keep your head down U-Know time
You know what time it is?
This is return of the king
And I have not even started yet...

I've always been a bad guy
But I have to admit you're beautiful,
inside you are so different that comes to be dead
I said I loved you, but I'll let you go

Would I looked easy to you?
My heart is tearing apart
But I prayed for their happiness
no matter what they said

I had to let her go, now I'm just walking my way
anyway now I'm just relaxing
You always believed I would fall apart without you
This is a mistake, because I do that?

I was very, very sad, because you were so immature
and I was afraid someone you know bad
but there is nothing important inside you
And all you do is tell lies, you're a person with two faces

Our feelings crystal became so opaque
Our love is gone, I'm letting you go
Because one day away from here I just want to smile comfortably
And I think you still do not know exactly what you just lost
Just stay there and watch me grow, you burned to death in my heart
you died in my heart and you no longer have space within me, no more...

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